Marketing is not a stand-alone component of any organisation or business; it’s inter-weaved with your business strategy, core values and activities. When working with clients, we start at their mission, vision, and goals, leading to their marketing strategy. Here is a prime example of why marketing is a core element that drives your business.
The project:
To create a straightforward marketing strategy to increase awareness and sustainable growth for the future.
The client:
Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre is a vibrant community hub for social connectedness, cultural activities and creative learning. Based in Northern Victoria, they are a small to medium-sized not for profit organisation, Neighbourhood House, Adult Community Education provider and a welcoming place for individuals and groups to reach their potential. Jill, the centre manager, is a ‘can-doer’, community-minded, well connected and driven woman who nurtures resilient communities. The committee and staff were eager to implement a marketing strategy with action-based activities into their everyday practices.
The client’s target audience:
Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre’s audience for this strategy were existing and past clients/learners, people seeking employment or upskilling, low-income earners accessing essential welfare services, residents aged 17-65 within the Alpine and neighbouring shires.
The approach:
We met for an initial Marketing Strategy session to clarify the vital organisational goals to be achieved over the next 12-24 months. Within this session, we reviewed past activities, barriers and existing networks.
The main objective was to include more forward-facing delivery online. We had to plan for less face-to-face contact with their audience due to Covid, remote rural isolation and accessibility. We achieved this through the following strategies:
Build a strategy designed to promote MNC as a community and learning hub with solid connections within the region.
Develop a clear set of critical values that would drive their messages across all platforms and communications to target the ideal audience directly.
Create their unique point of difference to stand out within their community and showcase their depth of service offerings.
Identify effective marketing channels that would be regularly updated and inform their community of activities and services.
Develop a marketing plan with key objectives, activities, timelines, resources and key performance indicators for monitoring
Identify and recommend professional development to build staff capability
The results:
A marketing strategy and plan were set with overall direction and goals and actionable tasks to increase visibility within their community. They have been applying the approach developed across their marketing channels, engaging new community stakeholders and community members. Jill and her team have welcomed new people to the centre and have been run off their feet! They updated their website, created a marketing toolkit of resources, increased social media presence and have students completing courses and people accessing services and programs.
Are you ready to create a buzz in your organisation?
This is a blog from my The Inspired Hive connection blog series. Every business and community-based organisation is incredibly unique. I love working with them to unpack their potential and propel growth while aligned to their goals. There is more of my work on my Instagram and Linkedin feeds. I always welcome conversations about how we could work together to help you achieve results, send me an email.